Lab grown diamonds widely known for their superior quality and value, but if you’re still not sure if. Lab grown diamond bracelets right for you, here some of the benefits they have to offer
Genuine Luxury
Diamonds by definition have real value, but that’s where their luxury ends. Lab grown diamonds provide a much better bang for your buck. Prices range based on a variety of factors, such as cut and size, but you can get an idea of. What to expect by considering how lab grown diamonds stack up against their natural counterparts. The International Colored Gem Association points out that one carat. Lab grown diamonds will usually run at about one third of natural diamond prices for similar quality stones. Since lab-grown diamonds genuine diamonds in every way besides how. They were formed (as opposed to stimulants or imitations), you get all same sparkle and shine with significant cost savings. Compared to buying a stone mined from Mother Nature.
Durable And Long Lasting
Lab-grown diamonds and jewelry last just as long, if not longer than naturally mined diamonds. Diamonds one of nature’s hardest minerals, making them very durable and long lasting. Lab-grown diamonds also resist chipping better than their natural counterparts. That means they won’t have to replaced as often due to wear and tear over time. This can save you money in maintenance costs down the road. Additionally, lab-grown diamonds subject to heat or pressure that. Can damage or alter their color or clarity—another cost saver for consumers. lab grown diamond bracelets also last just as long, if not longer than naturally mined diamonds. Diamonds one of nature’s hardest minerals, making them very durable and long lasting. Lab-grown diamonds also resist chipping better than their natural counterparts. That means they won’t have to replaced as often due to wear and tear over time. This can save you money in maintenance costs down the road.
Real Carbon Footprint Offsetting
In addition to more durable than mined diamonds, lab grown diamonds have a tiny carbon footprint. On average, it takes 2 tons of CO2 to produce 1 carat of the mined diamond. A lab-grown diamond uses 0.3 tons. With more and more consumers looking for eco-friendly products. Lab grown diamond necklaces used to offset someone’s real carbon footprint. While providing them with a fashionable piece they can wear every day. They can also use lab grown diamonds as gifts in place of mined diamonds or other gemstones that require significant resources to obtain. And because most people don’t know how much goes into creating a mined diamond wearing. Lab-grown means you can feel good about where your money is going—and what you’re getting. For example, lab-grown Pendants take about 6 weeks from start to finish, whereas natural ones take thousands of years! This gives lab-grown gems an edge when it comes to environmental sustainability.
The allure of lab grown diamonds: While some might think lab grown diamonds as appealing or valuable as their mined counterparts, they made up of the same thing: pure carbon.
Accredited By An Industry Body
When you buy a lab-grown diamond, you’re guaranteed that it was produced ethically. Lab grown diamonds carry an International Gemological Institute (IGI) certificate, which means they have tested and judged by one of the industry’s most trusted bodies. So, when you buy a lab-grown diamond, you can rest assured it has come from ethical origins. This is especially important if you’re buying a gift for someone special; knowing your lab-grown diamond was created without harming people or animals makes your purchase feel more precious. It also allows you to shop with confidence—knowing there’s no need to worry about unethical practices in the lab-grown diamond industry.
The Gemological Institute of America accredits lab grown diamonds: The world’s largest gemstone certification body, The Gemological Institute of America (GIA), has accredited lab grown diamonds since 2014. GIA even goes as far as recommending specific labs where consumers can get their stones certified! This is great news for anyone looking to buy a lab-grown diamond; it means you have an independent, trusted third party that can vouch for your stone’s authenticity and ethical origins.
No Animal Cruelty Is Concerned In Its Production
Since diamonds not created by an animal (or even a plant) there is no cruelty involved in their production. This makes lab grown diamonds an excellent choice for those. Who wish to avoid supporting industries that contribute to animal cruelty. Also, lab grown diamonds do not require any conflict minerals like gold and tin. Which often come from war zones where child labor is used. lab grown diamond engagement rings also 100% carbon neutral, unlike mined diamonds. Which create pollution during their mining process. The most notable benefit to lab grown diamonds is that they have. The same chemical composition as mined diamonds; so they sparkle just as much. However, because they’re created in a lab environment instead of dug out of the earth. They’re more affordable than their natural counterparts. There many different types of lab grown diamonds available today with different properties depending on how they were produced.