Clipping Paths are used to cut out or “clip” an image from its background. Clipping paths use a vector mask to define the image. within a selected area. Clipping paths are used to cut out or “clip” an image from its background. Clipping paths use a vector mask to define the image within a selected area. This is typically used to remove objects from a scene. while retaining the foreground.
The clipping path is what defines the shape of your vector graphic. It is a vector shape that defines the area you want to keep, and everything outside of that area will be cut away. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add a clipping path to a vector graphic in Adobe Illustrator.
-Select your desired vector graphic.
-Select the “Clipping Path” tool from the toolbar on top of the screen (A).
-Click on an anchor point on your desired vector graphic (B).
-Move your cursor over an anchor point at a different location on your desired vector graphic, and click once more (C).
-Move your cursor around until you find the perfect position for your clipping path, then click again at that point (D).
Body Content:
1. Open up Adobe Illustrator.
In this section, you will learn how to use Illustrator to make a logo for your blog.
1) Open up Adobe Illustrator.
2) Click on the “File” option in the top left corner of the screen and select “New.”
3) Type in your blog name and click “OK.”
4) Select the text tool from the top toolbar.
5) Type in your blog name into the text box at the top of your screen.
6) Select a font from the font palette that you like by clicking on it with your mouse.
7) Click and drag out a rectangle around your text box with any color you want it to be (we recommend black).
2. Select the object that you want to clip out by clicking on it once with the selection tool of your choice (here we will use the Rectangle Tool).
The selection tool is for selecting an object or part of an object on a page. This can be text, a graphic, or any other item that is on the page.
2. Select the object that you want to clip out by clicking on it once with the selection tool of your choice (here we will use the lasso).
3. Once you have selected what you want to clip out, release the mouse button and then hit the “Ctrl” + “C” keys together to copy it.
4. Now paste it into your word document by pressing Ctrl + V keys together
3. With the object selected go up and click on Object>Clip>Set
The Clip tool is a great way to copy and paste an object. You can use it to copy an object from one document and paste it into another document.
This section will teach you how to use the Clip tool.
First, select the object that you want to copy. Then, go up on your mouse and click on Object>Clip>Set